Your Guide to Roof Ventilation

Your Guide to Roof Ventilation

Did you know that your roof needs ventilation? While that might seem counterintuitive at first (opening your roof to the elements), it will make sense with a simple analogy; your roof is like a hat for your home. If you’ve ever worn a hat, then you know that it...
Your Fall Gutter Checklist

Your Fall Gutter Checklist

It may feel like it’s too early to talk about fall. After all, you probably still remember when snow was on the ground, your breath fogged with every exhalation, and you had to scrape snow and ice off of your car every single morning. Well, time has a way of playing...
The 5 Most Common Types of Summer Roof Damage

The 5 Most Common Types of Summer Roof Damage

Summer is a time to let go and enjoy yourself. However, with the bright summer sun comes the potential for roof damage. Most roofs can withstand a bit of summer wear-and-tear, but if your roof is older, or has an underlying issue you might know about, then your roof...
Spring a Roof Leak? Here’s What We Can Do

Spring a Roof Leak? Here’s What We Can Do

Don’t worry; a roof leak can happen to anyone. If you wake up one morning and find a water spot on your ceiling, all is not lost. It could be a minor issue or something bigger. In either case, we recommend you simply give us a call so we can get up there and...
Does a New Roof Add Value to Your Home?

Does a New Roof Add Value to Your Home?

We get this question a lot. For many homeowners, the prospect of a new roof can be daunting, especially if they think they’re going to be selling their home sometime soon. The question becomes one of value; is it worth it to me to replace my roof if it’s not...