The 5 Most Common Types of Summer Roof Damage

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Summer is a time to let go and enjoy yourself. However, with the bright summer sun comes the potential for roof damage. Most roofs can withstand a bit of summer wear-and-tear, but if your roof is older, or has an underlying issue you might know about, then your roof could be in trouble while you’re out having fun in the sun.

Summer roof damage can be repaired in certain cases. If you catch it early by calling us in for an inspection, then there’s always the chance that we can proactively intervene. Let’s go over the types of roof damage we most commonly see in the summer.

Roof Leaks

Roof leaks are a year-round feature of a roof in need of TLC. However, the torrential downpours of summer can often overextend your roof, making it spring a leak where it might not have otherwise. The previous seasons can also set your roof up for failure; heavy snow and spring wind can mean that, by summertime, your roof is suddenly on its last leg.

Missing Shingles

Summer storms can be a calming feature of the summer season. However, many of these storms bring with them wind gusts over 50 mph. These blasts of wind can shake and blow off weakened shingles, leaving that spot open to the elements. Any time there’s a storm with high wind, it’s best to check your yard for shingle debris.

Cracked/Worn Flashing

While you may love to soak up the sun, you probably put on sunscreen to protect your skin. Your roof doesn’t have that luxury. Instead, it gets a full-on blast of sun day in and day out during the summertime. Shingles can dry and crack, but the flashing that protects your roof joints (like the area around your chimney) can become brittle after years of exposure to the sun. Cracked and/or worn flashing can let water into your attic or crawlspace.

Tree Damage

Let’s return to storm damage. High winds can bring down tree branches. Even a small or medium-sized branch, if it falls on your roof, can cause structural damage. It’s best to check your roof after a big storm to ensure it’s free of any fallen limbs! 

Stagnant Water

If your downspouts are clogged or you have a flat roof, then you might see pulls of water on your roof. The truth is, no amount of pooling should be evident on a roof. As water sits, it eats away at the integrity of your roofing material. Soon enough, you’ll have rotten wood and moisture in your attic or crawl space.

No Matter the Damage, We’ll Handle It

If summer has been hard on your roof don’t fret; we’ll come to your home, inspect your roof, and suggest any repairs that it may need. Minor damage can almost always be repaired without replacing the roof. However, no matter the security of the issue, you can rely on us to be transparent about what we find up there.

Is your roof damaged? Reach out to us for a roof inspection.